Adventures Of Full Stack Software Development

Master the skills required to become a Full Stack Software Developer. In this book you will learn how to write a front-end single-page web application and write middle-tier object-orientated class components. To complete the full stack you will also learn how to design a back-end database and write applications that support database transactions and data integrity.


  • Microservices Architecture, Planning and Design
  • Message Queuing with RabbitMQ
  • Microsoft .NET Core Web API and asynchronous processing
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) security
  • Microsoft .NET Core Entity Framework
  • Atomic transactions and SQL-Server isolation levels
  • SOLID Design Principles
  • NoSQL databases and MongoDB
  • Developing a Single-Page Application (SPA) with ReactJS
  • The fundamentals of TypeScript
  • Developing a web user interface with Google's Material Design
  • Responsive web page design
  • Source code examples and sample applications available on GitHub

About The Author

Mark Caplin is a Microsoft .NET and Angular Developer & Architect. Mark has specialized in Information Technology solutions for over 30 years. Specializing in full life-cycle development projects for both enterprise-wide systems and Internet/Intranet based solutions. Mark frequently attends professional information technology user groups and seminars to maintain and enhance his knowledge of the latest development technologies, techniques and methodologies. Mark also enjoys giving back to the software development community through his highly rated programming articles detailing real world solutions. When not developing software, Mark enjoys playing tennis, listening to U2 music and attending rock concerts. Mark enjoys watching and rooting for both the Miami Dolphins and the Miami Heat. Mark also enjoys watching movies in Blu-ray DVD technology. In between all this, his wife Mayra of over 30 years, feeds him well with some great home cooked meals. You can contact Mark at